1 May than is nobody tevree, 2 May a.k.a first working day, Hoezeeeee!

1th of May.

Some days you just know ok, today Is defintely not THE day. Barely slept or breathed at all. Luckily it was Sunday, so I could go back to bed. The family went off to a wine tasting and where coming back around 6 they said. I said goodbye to them and went back to my little piece of heaven until I woke up and was a bit hungry, then I saw it was 5 in the morning. So that was why.

2th of May. Schoolday and 1st workday.

Time to shine, show these Australians some Au pair skills! There I was dropping the kids of to school with their right lunchboxes and schoolbags and all. All was going great. I got home, did some laundry, emptied the bins and made a nice bed of sunnyness in the garden with my music and mobile for relaxation. But with all the plants and tree's and stuff it was a sort of game to actually lie in a sunbeam. Of course I made myself some fresh lemonwater while the hot pool men where making the pool ready for me. Too bad I wasn't there when the pool was ready nor was I there when the 'hot' pool men where making it ready. So there was only a pool left. But then I had to pick up the girls. With my Harry Potter money, because really have you ever seen Australian money? It's from Hogwarts! And when I picked the one up, I had to walk all the way up to the other side of Sydney, so It seemed. Through bushlife with half rotten bodies left by giant snakes and spiders I didn't want to know anything about. But I finally got there. Saw the backyard of this 'kindergarden'. Well I can tell you, now I understand the word 'Kinder garden' because its a little heaven for children. Play-castles, slides, stairs, benches, hoops, anything you can think of, it was there. Suddenly I saw some going up a slide instead of down. But one couldn't get up and was wearing a dress, so everything she slipped down she landed with her buttom on the face of another kid. Really hilarious. Of course I didn't help them or anything. Than fun was over and we had to go get some groceries and stuff. Rose wanted to have passionfruit so we got some. Emma wanted them as well but she didn't like the seeds. God may know what she was eating then but ok. I let her be. The hyena's had left their carcasses with full tummies under the stars and we arrived home safely. Time for me to start dinner, Spaghetti and meatballs. And after that It was all a blur until I got into my bed again. So nighty night!


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